The true cost of falls in aged care
A new University of Queensland study has revealed what fall-related injuries in aged care are costing the Australian health system.
A Day in the Life of Amanda Bartosewicz
Despite encountering some very challenging circumstances and setbacks in her personal life, Amanda Bartosewicz always knew her dream was to work in aged care.
Telehealth in aged care: the benefits and pitfalls
Taking a patient-centric approach to modernising access to health care for aging Australians is paramount to improving patient experiences and outcomes.
Does watching TV increase dementia risk?
When it comes to sedentary activities, new research suggests some can be more damaging to cognitive health than others.
Helping older adults to communicate in noisy environments
Could online training be the key to improving communication in everyday environments?
Leukoplast Skin Sensitive Tapes and Dressings
Leukoplast offers gentle and secure wound care solutions for highly sensitive or compromised skin.
SSG (Static Systems Group) Acelo nurse call system
The SSG (Static Systems Group) Acelo 'plug and play' nurse call system is designed to...
What are the benefits of an RSV vaccine for older adults?
Research suggests that vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus for adults over 60 has a range of benefits.
Aged care antibiotic could put residents at risk
Better antibiotic management is needed in residential aged care to protect against...
Research funding for infection prevention and control
Targeted research into improving infection prevention and control in aged care homes will attract...
ACIPC International Conference speakers announced
Infection prevention and control is vitally important across all healthcare settings in reducing...
Does watching TV increase dementia risk?
When it comes to sedentary activities, new research suggests some can be more damaging to cognitive health than others.
How gender inequality impacts on dementia care
The gendered experiences of women with dementia were largely overlooked in the Royal Commission...
Cognitive impairment: why socioeconomic factors matter
The likelihood of developing cognitive impairment or dementia later in life is influenced by...
It's not just genetics that influence dementia: study
A new study by UNSW suggests that a range of social factors play a critical role in cognitive...
National Dementia Action Plan released by govt
In a bid to make Australian more dementia-inclusive, the federal government has released its National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034.
Australian aged care reforms pass parliament
Reforms to the aged care system will now push ahead, with the federal government's Aged Care...
Aged care needs time to implement vital reforms
Realistic timelines are needed for historic aged care reform, according to the Aged and Community...
Greater support at home: the journey to aged care reform
Older Australians increasingly want the freedom, support and choice to remain in the homes and...
Contemporary, integrated village transformation
Two new multistorey aged care homes will be added to the HammondCare site in Hammondville, south-west Sydney.
WA parliament passes retirement village reforms
Reforms to the Retirement Villages Act 1992 have now passed through the WA parliament.
Keeping cool in aged care: adapting to climate change
As global temperatures rise, aged care facilities face an increasingly critical challenge:...
Helping older people stay local
Older people in rural and remote communities will receive more opportunities to stay close to...
Telehealth in aged care: the benefits and pitfalls
Taking a patient-centric approach to modernising access to health care for aging Australians is paramount to improving patient experiences and...
Helping older adults to communicate in noisy environments
Could online training be the key to improving communication in everyday environments?
How Australia could achieve a home care revolution
Utilising smart technology could help to take much pressure off aged care and medical facilities...
Could smart tech be the answer to aging at home?
Older Australians will accept government-funded technology in the home if it enables them to age...
A Day in the Life of Amanda Bartosewicz
Despite encountering some very challenging circumstances and setbacks in her personal life, Amanda Bartosewicz always knew her dream was to work in...
New aged care beds open at Tenterfield Care
Tenterfield Care's Haddington Aged Care Community has just opened an additional 28 aged care...
'Baby boomer freight train' makes home care a pressing need
In order to better handle Australia's shifting demographics, the nation needs to prioritise...
Achieving palliative care equality for rural Australia
Services such as palliative care are not always equally accessible, particularly for Australians...
Reducing the burden of osteoporosis-related fractures
Research by Monash University suggests that without intervention, the total number of hip fractures globally could nearly double by 2050.
The true cost of falls in aged care
A new University of Queensland study has revealed what fall-related injuries in aged care are...
More govt funding for aged care meals services
A cost-of-living boost will see $37 million in federal government funding delivered to aged care...
How to live a longer life
New research has uncovered one key activity that could add up to 11 more years to your life.