Industry News
Horticulture therapy to improve care
Bolton Clarke has recognised outstanding gardens from across the group's Allity residential homes as part of its newly launched gardening competition. [ + ]
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's risk reduced by nature exposure
US researchers have discovered a potential link between exposure to some types of natural environments and a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. [ + ]
Urgent measures needed for homes with one-star rating: OPAN
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has welcomed the Australian Government's new Star Ratings for residential aged care providers, which were recently made public. [ + ]
Digital exercise program to prevent falls
UNSW Medicine & Health Professor Kim Delbaere will receive a $1.3m Development Grant from the NHMRC to transition a home-based digital exercise program. [ + ]
NARI Director recognised for dedication to ageing research
Director of the National Ageing Research Institute Professor Briony Dow has been recognised by the AAG for her dedication to ageing and aged care research. [ + ]
Star Ratings preview: 90% earn three or more
Residential aged care services have received a preview of their overall Star Rating and sub-category ratings with over 90% of services earning three or more stars. [ + ]
Corporate volunteering program to improve social connection
Aged care provider Bolton Clarke is planning to use its HOW-R-U? program to improve social connection for older people over the festive period. [ + ]
New app to prepare end-of-life carers
ELDAC and Flinders University have designed a new app to help home care workers to provide end-of-life and palliative care to their clients as their care needs change. [ + ]
Alzheimer's research sheds light on medication side effects
The study provides a molecular explanation of the incidence of Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities (ARIA), side effects known to occur in 41% of patients undergoing treatment. [ + ]
Ian Yates appointed as Interim Inspector-General of Aged Care
Ian Yates, former Chief Executive of the Council of the Ageing (COTA), has been appointed as the Interim Inspector-General of Aged Care. [ + ]
Meera Agar re-elected as Chair of Palliative Care Australia
Professor Meera Agar has been re-elected as Chair of the Palliative Care Australia (PCA) Board following the Annual General Meeting. [ + ]
From the emergency room to aged care: the potential of HIRAID
To many in health care, 'ABC' in emergency care (Airways, Breathing, Circulation) is as familiar as the alphabet itself, but registered nurse Professor Kate Curtis discovered there needed to be a more comprehensive way to assess patients. [ + ]
Machine learning tool to predict pre-frailty
Machine learning could be the key component in developing effective early screening systems identifying frailty in middle-aged and older Australians. [ + ]
Care home nurses need support to recover from COVID-19 trauma
Frontline workers need a mental health and wellbeing strategy to help promote recovery from the symptoms of trauma and moral distress. [ + ]
Study explores the prevalence of dementia in centenarians
The research project brought together studies of centenarians and near-centenarians to look at global prevalence of dementia in the exceptionally old. [ + ]