More data on aged care spending revealed

Wednesday, 13 March, 2024

More data on aged care spending revealed

The amount that aged care services are spending on care, food and wages can now be viewed by older Australians and their families.

The federal government’s Dollars to Care measure will hold providers to account for how they spend taxpayer money and ultimately help people make informed decisions about their care with data available through My Aged Care.

“We recognise the majority of aged care providers are working to deliver high-quality and safe care but we have to shine a light on those who aren’t and take action,” said Anika Wells, Minister for Aged Care.

“The publication of aged care providers’ finances and operations delivers on the government’s election commitment to increase transparency and accountability around what aged care providers are spending money on.”

The measure responds to the recommendations made in the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which highlighted the need for better public access to information about providers’ finances and operations.

The information will show that across the sector, more than half a provider’s expenses are spent on care for residents.

This builds on the government’s existing initiatives to increase transparency and help older people make informed choices, including Star Ratings for residential aged care homes.

“I have asked the Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care to refer aged care providers that are doing the wrong thing to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsmen,” Wells said.

Interested parties can view the published provider information through the “Find a Provider” tool on the My Aged Care website.

Image credit: Noipho

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