How grief could be better managed in an aged care setting
A formal approach is urgently needed to support the grief and loss experienced by families of those in the residential aged care system, according to a review. [ + ]
How harmful gut bacteria trigger Alzheimer's
A growing body of evidence now suggests that it is not only age — but also diet — that affects the brain. [ + ]
Reshaping aged care in an age of increasing diversity
The Australian population is getting older and living longer, as well as becoming more culturally and linguistically diverse than ever before. [ + ]
What's next for governance in aged care?
Governance has been a hot topic for aged care providers and regulators in the aftermath of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. [ + ]
What's the link between sleep and osteoporosis?
A new study from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus has examined the impact sleep quality has on bone health. [ + ]
Why women need to get active by age 55
A new study has linked activity levels in middle age with improved physical health in later life. [ + ]
Loneliness in older people: what are the risk factors?
A new study has identified several risk factors for loneliness throughout a person's life, finding that it consistently affects older people. [ + ]
Reforms to in-home care: what providers need to know
Providers say legislative delays surrounding proposed changes to in-home care are making it difficult for them to plan ahead. [ + ]
Circling back to aged care 20 years on
Nurse Donelle Kralovic swapped bustling Melbourne for central Queensland, where she now manages the only aged care facility in the town of Biloela. [ + ]
Improving muscle health throughout the aging process
A human muscle map has revealed the processes behind age-related muscle deterioration, and the mechanisms to counteract them. [ + ]
The importance of inclusive care for LGBTI older people
Many LGBTI older people are fearful of engaging with the aged care system and may delay or avoid contact with services. [ + ]
How HIV treatments could help Alzheimer's patients
Promising real-world links between common HIV drugs and a reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease have been uncovered by scientists. [ + ]
More balance needed for aged care reforms
New statutory duties and penalty regimes have been introduced in the exposure draft of the new Aged Care Act which require further consultation and review. [ + ]
Surprising things that may reduce dementia risk factors
A new Australian study has uncovered some surprising factors that may reduce the risk of developing dementia. [ + ]
Could smartphones detect frontotemporal dementia?
New research suggests that smartphone cognitive testing could detect early signs of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in those who carry the gene. [ + ]